W o r k g r o u p M a i l  V e r s i o n 7
 Step by Step Installation Guide
2  Windows Service or Standalone Executable

This page is only shown if you are running Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP. If you are not running one of these operating systems please click the Next button at the bottom of this page. This page lets you choose between installing WorkgroupMail as a Windows service or a standalone executable.

If you are running Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP and you wish to install WorkgroupMail as a Windows service then select the Install WorkgroupMail as a Windows service radio button and enter the Administrator account name and password into the fields that appear below and press Next. The functionality of WorkgroupMail will be no different, however it means that you will have added security since WorkgroupMail will be able to run even when no user is logged into Windows.

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